Our sellers

we work with the best

sandOcean is a top-quality, detail-caring, small production workhouse in Northern Fuerteventura.

We are special:

We strive to have one selling outlet on each of the principal locations of the Canary Islands, and, to that end, we sign exclusivity contracts with our selling points, meaning that only them can sell our garments or one of our collections/families in the region.

We not only offer this exclusivity, but we also want to work hand on hand with our sellers, and this means that:

  • We contribute to set sandOcean’s selling space, we offer custom racks, hangers, printed wallpaper, vinyl… All in accordance to the seller’s capacity.
  • We take very small orders and are capable of responding to them in a few days time.
  • We mention our sellers on our online communications and social media if they wish.
  • We make social media posts about them and their installation of our brand.
  • We offer on-site repairments. Our workshop can fix almost any problem.



sandOcean is a small brand operanting from Corralejo, Fuerteventura. We love our island and our work is a reflection of this passion.

© Copyright 2023, La Estampación Creativa SL